A Legal Research Journal
The Journal of Law and Justice (JLJ) is a Quarterly Double-Blind Peer-Reviewed legal research journal, dedicated to publishing high-quality legal scholarship and fostering intellectual discourse on contemporary legal issues. With ISSN 2581-8694 (Online), JLJ serves as a global platform for academicians, legal professionals, policymakers, researchers, and students.
The Journal of Law and Justice (JLJ) is a reputable digital legal platform dedicated to publishing novel ideas, state-of-the-art research, and fundamental advancements on all subjects relevant to law and justice. JLJ has been established as an online legal journal, providing a dynamic space for scholarly discussions and legal research.
The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for jurists, juris doctors (lawyers), research scholars, social engineers, and academicians from around the world to promote, share, and discuss emerging issues and developments in the field of law.
JLJ aims to foster a deeper understanding of legal theories and enhance the effectiveness of judicial and constitutional applications within the legal system.
The scope of the journal is to serve as an academic medium and a valuable reference for the advancement and dissemination of research that supports high-level learning, teaching, and scholarship in the legal field.
We bring together judicial scientists, academicians, social engineers, research scholars, and students of law, creating a vibrant community dedicated to legal innovation and intellectual discourse.